![]() Unity On The Bay Brings Healing And Love To Miami With Deepak Chopra And Marianne Williamson"In a world filled with life's daily stresses and mixed feelings of anxiety about the future, Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson, both with #OprahWinfrey credentials, bring their own brand of transformation, health and hope to Unity on the Bay".
By: AffinityTravel Partners On Tuesday, February 27th those lucky enough to have tickets, to this sold out event, will spend the evening with motivational teacher and the deliverer of profound life changing advice, Dr. Deepak Chopra. He will discuss his newest book "The Healing Self." General admission tickets are sold out, however VIP tickets are available only through one of the event's sponsorship packages. If you miss the opportunity to see Dr. Chopra, be not dismayed, right on his heels, is internationally renowned motivational/ Her sold out performance in her Houston hometown, drew a crowd of 700 plus. The apogee of her call to action with her audience happened when she asked every black person in attendance to stand and had the white attendees join her in an apology to black people for the lifetime of injustice suffered at the hands of the majority for so long. Many may think why is this necessary? But as the writer for the Houston Chronicle article penned it, "Marianne Williamson is right. We need healing. We need real talk about racism in this country. It's time for white people to get it." Williamson is not holding this generation responsible for the misdeeds of the past. However, she does see the need for us as a nation of American PEOPLE to find new ground where we "create a new, whole-person politics, breaking free of a paradigm based on a decidedly outdated view of the world and embracing a more enlightened understanding of our relation to the universe. We need a deeper, multi-dimensional understanding of our national story: where we have been, where we are, and where we need to go now", excerpted from Unity on the Bay website/events. Reverend Chris Jackson, Unity on the Bay's Senior Pastor, urges everyone to get their tickets now as they are going quickly. "We look forward to having more events for the South Florida community where we can provide opportunities for reflection, growth and healing. Gold general admission tickets for Marianne Williamson start at $65 and gives you access to the main event and book signing. Ticket purchases can be made at https://www.unityonthebay.org/ Interview opportunities are still available. Please contact A Better Concept PR for scheduling Unity On The Bay is an inclusive community whose mission is "to serve as a catalyst for spiritual awakening, evolution, and action." Our vision is "humanity inspired to its divinity." Founded in 1927 and located across from Miami's Biscayne Bay, at 411 NE 21st Street Miami, Unity on the Bay currently has over 2,000 congregants from diverse ethnic, religious and socio-economic backgrounds. Unity on the Bay is a member of the Unity Worldwide Ministries, headquartered in Lee's Summit, Missouri. For more information, visit www.unityonthebay.org Contact A Better Concept PR ***@abetterconcept.com Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End