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Follow on Google News | Digital Learning is the Future of EducationBy: MBD GROUP Digital learning is more than just providing students with a laptop. It is a combination of digital content and technology. The children now entering schools are fully fledged digital natives, a recent study found that seven years old have the same understanding of communications technology as a 45 year old. It clearly shows that children are becoming computer literate even before they have started primary school and we all have heard about the techno babies who can handle an iPad before they have learnt how to speak properly. Moreover, MBD provides various educational apps that are available on the Google play store. Nowadays, education is not limited to books and notebooks, but has opened its wings and give rise to digital learning. MBD group envisions and is actively developing further improvements in digital learning technologies with richer assessments, customized pathways and many other possibilities that will revolutionize teaching and learning. To enhance digital learning and digitization, MBD Group provides an online book store that makes available all the academic books, including modern abc books and many more. MBD Group is actively developing further improvements in digital learning technologies with richer assessments, customized pathways and many other possibilities that will revolutionize teaching and learning. Visit us:- End
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