Announcin LHS Real ESTATE INVESTMENTS, LLC.Premier Tampa, FL. Real Estate Investments

PALM BEACH, Fla. - May 16, 2018 - PRLog -- TAMPA– ,  today announced the formation of LHS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, LLC, a premier central Florida real estate investment company. Uniting Investors with outstanding capital relationships, LHS Real Estate Investments  aims to be the premier long-term real estate investment company, with a focus on single family homes  on the West Coast , particularly the West Coast of Florida, South East region  and Southern Florida.

Headquartered in Wimauma, LHS Real Estate Investments, LLC  is led by CEO and President  Lord H. Sharief... Lord H. Sharief share a vision for long-term investment,  advisory services in the West Coast gateway cities markets that have demonstrated strong demographic and economic growth.

LHS Real Estate Investments combines  investment properties from 50-60% of market from the southern regions, such as  Mississippi, Alabama,Georgia, Miami, and Tampa,  where a majority of active projects, are currently in planning. The new company will be flexible  with  investors, who are seasoned, or who are new and interested in getting involved for the first time in real estate.

The goal is to offer exciting new opportunities for investors who may  have money in other areas such as: stocks, bonds, commodities, but who are looking for other expanses  to dive into, such as real estate.  To  partner with LHS Real Estate Investments, LLC;  Is a  long-term  relationship in Lord Sharief  unique niche, which is focused on community-enhancing properties in thriving, cities or states of your liken. "We are combining our strengths to allow us to expand significantly, in the next few years, to be able to provide an even larger inventory."

Lord Sharief  is well-positioned to be an enduring owner of superior properties in key cities along the East Coast and in the Southern Regions. LHS Real Estate Investments overall approach is to accumulate significant  substantial  discounted properties  that demonstrate lasting positive demographic and economic trends that drive demand for real estate.

About LHS Real Estate Investments, LLC

LHS Real Estate  Investments, LLC is  Premier Tampa Fl, real estate investment company;With investment properties 50-60%  of market. The extensive inventory of below market prices is designed to preserve neighborhood character and strengthen communities by attracting integrity investors.  The company  focuses on long-term holdings, with investments in diverse asset classes including, high-rise residential, mixed-use multifamily, adaptive reuse, and student and senior housing.

Lord Sharief CEO/ President

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