In A Time Of Hardship And Famine, One Boy Finds An Oasis Of Magic In "Manufactured Witches"

Beacon Audiobooks has just released "Manufactured Witches" written by author Michelle Rene and narrated by Lydell Storm. Available worldwide, download your copy today!
NEW YORK - May 9, 2019 - PRLog -- In a time when hardship and famine rule the country, one boy finds an oasis of magic and the strength to fight for it.

The Dust Bowl uprooted a lot of families and orphaned even more children. No one knows this better than Nat, a teenager who rides the rails from town to town looking for work. After helping a girl accused of witchcraft, Nat stumbles upon a home for wayward children run by a vibrant woman named Camille. She takes in children who have been thrown away and teaches them how to use their untapped potential to do extraordinary magic.

In this crazy new place, there are wonders he's never imagined possible. People who can paint portraits of ghosts, walk through walls, and hide windmills in thin air. But in a time of starvation and fear, Camille's magical home comes under attack from people who fear and discriminate against her. It is up to Nat and the other children to rally behind Camille to save their oasis in the dust from utter ruin.

Download your copy of Manufactured Witches written by author Michelle
Rene  and narrated by Lydell Storm in audiobook format on Audible here:

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