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Follow on Google News | Michigan Independent Truckers Reducing REGEN's & Maintenance-ECOFuelMaxAfter researching the Internet younger pollution conscience truckers are learning that by reducing Carbon Pollution less Particulate's clog DPF filters.
The ECO Solution was originally invented in 1999 and patented to reduce the un-burnt black smoke that was being released from School Buses in Texas. As most are aware the black smoke are the Carbon Pollution Particulates that Federal Law mandated be trapped before being released into the atmosphere. Good news, less carbon pollution is being omitted into the air, bad news is the Carbon Particulate's the DPF traps gets clogged and requires cleaning (+/-$400) or replacement (+/-$3,000). Michigan truckers along with tens of thousands of diesel owners across the country who have installed the low cost ($395) ECOFuelMax no chemical, no maintenance solution have experienced +/-70% less Carbon Particulates, have reduced downtime, they are saving thousands of dollars annually. Seldom mentioned but always appreciated is the reduction in fuel consumption due to improved fuel combustibility. To better understand the operating principals and how by increasing fuels vapor pressure it burns more efficiently go online and preview the certified reports and testimonials on how and why it works so well. Since 1999 ECO Fuel Systems ( and its principals have been successfully working to reduce pollution and help reduce operating expenses. Feel free to call and speak with a human being. GO GREEN-Burn Clean! End
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