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Follow on Google News | Sustainability in India: Mobius Foundation Starts Pass on Plastic InitiativePlastic pollution has become a cause of global concern as it is destroying our beautiful planet and having negative repercussions on all kinds of living beings.
In this 20 days campaign three residential societies (around 2500 families) of Mayur Vihar Phase 1 and Indraprastha Extension Delhi will donate their toxic plastic items in bins placed by Mobius Foundation. The 2 collection stations (Bins) are placed in each society (per 250 families) to dispose of their plastic waste. The collection stations will remain in the societies for 14 days from 20ndOct to Nov 1st2019. "For an economically viable and efficient recycling, segregation is a necessity. We are doing a pilot project into East Delhi residential society in which we are segregating unmanaged plastic waste that does more damage when burnt off or disposed into a landfill. The area chosen for the pilot project of this plastic waste collection is East Delhi Residential societies from MAYUR VIHAR PHASE 1 and INDRAPRASTHA EXTENSION. We are working with 2500 families; coordinating with their respective RWAs to collaborate for plastic waste collection stations. Through this initiative Mobius Foundations is trying to create a general awareness on the importance of segregating plastic waste, how to participate as an individual, and as a society and be conscious towards reducing plastic consumption" Plastic pollution is caused due to the accumulation of the waste plastic material in the environment. It is a non-biodegradable substance that doesn't break down in soil or water. It is a challenge to safely and ecologically dispose it off. Thus after the collection of plastics, Mobius Foundation will hand over them to a recycling company 'Green O Tech' to convert the plastic waste into pellets, polyester yarn, toys etc. Also, for each 100gm plastic they will plant a tree. To encourage more and more people they are provide incentives to the houses who will donate their plastic waste at the collection stations. The incentives are in the form of eco-friendly products made up of recycled or waste products. RWA of each society will be given appreciation certificate. Read more at: End
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