CoronaHub Slack community combats CoronavirusLaunched this past weekend in New York City, founder expects community to foster efficient resource and labor allocation, collaboration and news sharing and to fight disease outbreak
By: Coronahub Now he's leveraging his online community-building skills to fight the Coronavirus outbreak: He's built Coronahub, which is described on its website as "an online community dedicated to confronting the massive worldwide burden caused by the Coronavirus." Markovich believes his newest online community "fills a void." "I live and work in Midtown Manhattan, which has nearly emptied out," he observed. "I'm getting tons of messages from friends and alerts from news apps expressing fear and uncertainty. It's clear people are scared and confused. There's a need for an online hub where people can share knowledge, separate facts from falsehoods, distribute resources efficiently and connect with experts." Markovich envisions hospitals, government agencies, municipalities and businesses using the community to hire medical experts and trained and untrained workers, as well as for finding local volunteers to donate their time and resources. "We can bring facilities and workers together faster," he believes, "than if they do it within the existing framework, which doesn't really exist." Just as Online Geniuses and 18percent bring people together in marketing and mental health, Markovich wants Coronahub to be the online destination of choice for Americans struggling with the spread of Coronavirus - a place where they can commiserate over the chaos. "I have seen so much benefit in OG and 18percent and the other WhatsApp groups I have started," he says. "People love to connect around common causes. And the end result is often that they create or collaborate on really cool projects that make a big impact." Markovich hopes Coronahub will have a similarly large impact. End
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