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Follow on Google News | Umar Farooq Zahoor - A Businessman doing immense social workUmar Farooq Zahoor, former Director of AMERI Group. Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor is an entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist has done a lot of social work throughout his life, especially for the under-privileged and the children.
Many NGO's, organizations and individuals have stepped in by donating meals, essential supplies, medicines and other survival items to help the underprivileged survive the coronavirus pandemic. Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor is one of those individuals who have been able to empathize with the plight of daily wagers and migrant workers because of his journey from being a poor person to a successful businessman. At the young age of 18, he started his career with a travel company and learned the tricks of business from there. Success didn't came easy to him as in his young days he had to face a lot of struggle but today, he lives in Dubai helming over many successful businesses. Umar Farooq Zahoor and his team of social workers have been helping to fulfill the needs of various sections of the community, and doing every effort toempower the underprivileged people in the region. For Mr. Umar, his main ambition in life has been this. He is one of the most recognized businessman in the world today and is involved in many industries such as gas, power, oil and real estate. Sehikh Umar Farooq Zahoor's spoke about the sacrifices made during the pandemic by his team and his ultimate aim of making health care and education available to everyone. Perhaps it is the effect of the learnings of his struggling days, that Umar Farooq Zahoor, alongside of his businesses, always looks to give back to the society in whatever way possible. Umar Farooq Zahoor believes that being in a position to help the underprivileged, the privileged people had to give back to the society after all the wealth and goodwill they have received. He also understands the tough situation that poor children all around the world live in. He understand their pain and the hardships they have to get basic needs such as food and elementary education. This is the reason he prioritizes helping them and makes it his utmost priority. The reason he chose to focus on education was because he believes that education is one of the key factors through which children can come out of poverty and hardships. Refrence Links: https://umar- End
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