Meet the indian campaigning fighting for the end of the caste systemBy: CO Press Office "My father is a baniya which means he belongs to the merchant family according to the caste system. My mother is a pure Brahmin, which means she belongs to the family of priests and is much superior according to the caste system," she states. "My parents had an inter-caste love marriage, so I have grown up having no belief in the caste system at all," she adds. "In my household, we treat everyone with respect, love, and dignity". "Unfortunately, a lot of the Indian population is tolerant of this system may be due to lack of education and exposure," she adds. "I feel these kinds of systems should just be nonexistent." The model posts stunning images of her best productions in Indian clothes on her Instagram. The photos with makeup and jewelry catch the attention of her followers, who are curious to understand how Indian culture works. Visit her Instagram: Photo: End