Joe Simon, Grammy Award Winner Addresses: Parents, Schools, COVID-19 DiseaseSchools, Classrooms, Fear Of Darkness, Turmoil, Global Disaster
By: Spickum Publishing, Inc. As for me, Bishop Joe Simon, I believe that kids should be in school. I also believe schools must operate in a safe, secure stable environment. I believe every student in the classroom and every student on the school grounds should and must be protected. Parents, to place your kids in an uncontrollable school system, deny and ignore health guidelines, not believe in scientific facts, and to allow your kids to be used as human guinea pigs is unlawful, irresponsible, and immoral. Leadership has failed our children. Leadership has failed our society. Leadership is no longer leadership when leadership fails those for whom they should be working. Everyone who has the desire and the ability to lead must step up to the plate and do so now. I'm Dr. E. Faye Williams, President of the National Congress of Black Women. I work with Bishop Simon on several issues. We agree that our responsibility is providing what is best for our children. They've already gone through traumatic circumstances having to miss school for so long without knowing when they wil be able to return and whether school will be safe for them. I'm a former teacher so I know what it's like to have 35 to 40 children in a class while keeping them following rules for more than a few minutes. It's unfair to the teachers and the students to place the burden on them to stay safe once they're back in school. If scientists are still saying it's not safe to send students and teachers back to school, they should not go. Instead, school systems must continue to provide virtual classes for all students, with increased monitoring students to make sure they're studying properly. Where computers are not available in every home, space must be made available near the students where they can have proper equipment while social distancing. Where parents have to go to work, without available childcare services, these must be provided by the school system in an appropriate nearby place where social distancing is provided. If you are not registered to vote, you've moved since the last time you voted or changed your name, do the following: Go to VOTE, VOTE, Let Your Voice Be Heard!!! Media Contact Spickum Publishing *** 877 805-8447 Photo: End
Page Updated Last on: Jul 27, 2020