Joe Simon, Grammy Award Winner, Former Rhythm And Blues Singer Says: I'm Mad, I'm Mad As Hell, I'm Mad Enough To Vote!By: Spickum Publishing, Inc. I will vote so that all people can enjoy equal rights in this country. I will vote for leaders who work to heal our nation. I will vote for those who will work to end homelessness and hunger. I will vote for equal opportunity for all Americans. I will vote for the humane treatment of immigrants. I will vote to recue all children and their parents who are held up in inhumane conditions at our border. I will vote to say thank you to all of the men and women who have served to protect our country. I will vote to protect the Postal Service that serves all citizens. I will vote for the decent treatment of all of God's children. I will vote to say thank you to those civil rights and human rights activists who died to gain the right for all of us to be able to vote and enjoy all of our constitutional rights. I will vote for those who support things that help all of us to enjoy all of our God-given rights. I will vote AGAINST anyone who supports voter suppression and inequality of opportunity for any of our fellow citizens. It is not good for me and it is not economically feasible for me to standby, watch and allow a person who has a questionable leadership record to have dominion over my life to lead me down a road of destruction." If you are not registered to vote, you've moved since the last time you voted or changed your name, do the following: Go to VOTE, VOTE, Let Your Voice Be Heard And Your Vote Be Counted!!! I'VE GOT TO VOTE End