Global Bhagavad Gita Convention 2020 - A perfect platform to harness the inner strengthThe theme of the Convention this year is Insights into Bhagavad Gita - Universal message for Freedom & Fearlessness.
The theme of the Convention this year is Insights into Bhagavad Gita - Universal message for Freedom & Fearlessness. As we all know, the world is going through challenging times. We hope the message of Bhagavad Gita conveyed by accomplished speakers will help the global community to come together, build much needed spiritual strength to counter, and develop our inner defense to meet the crises which life brings forth. This global forum will introduce the essence of Bhagavad Gita to all the participants and further deepen the text's understanding of those already familiar. Inspiration and Guidance for the Convention come from Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha, a renowned spiritual master from India. A distinguished panel of speakers, including leading scholars, thinkers, and professionals, will share timeless wisdom from Gita and its practical applications in everyday life. In 2017, the inaugural Convention was held at the University of California, Irvine. The second edition at George Mason University, Virginia, in 2018 generated significant interest and participation. The third event took place at San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, in Silicon Valley, had attendance from from various walks of life. This Bhagavad Gita convention aims to introduce the teachings of this wonderful text and deepen the knowledge of those already familiar with it. The Gita's philosophical foundation will serve as our springboard and healthy inspiration for discussion at the Convention. Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Indian text that documents the dialog between two great warriors, Krishna, the teacher, and Arjuna, the student. For the past several millennia, people from all walks of life have discovered Gita's practical spiritual wisdom to empower their lives. Gita's knowledge provides a deep understanding of human nature, enabling one to live and interact in the world with expansion, ease, and fulfillment. According to Pankaj Bhatia, President and Dr. Ravi Jandhyala, Vice President of CIRD-NA, "The online convention intends to offer a platform for learning, knowledge exchange, and collaboration of the essence of Bhagavad Gita to impact personal and societal welfare positively," Attendees from every walk of life will discover how spiritual wisdom enriches and empowers one's inner personality, thereby enabling them to assimilate various impacts from the world and feel a sense of inner expansion and elevation. Visit for details and free registration - End
Page Updated Last on: Sep 21, 2020