Mary Logan Woolsey, her Family and Joshua's Heart deliver groceries to 350 families in Coconut Grove

By: Joshua's Heart Foundation
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Recipient Biking Through the Storm
Recipient Biking Through the Storm
MIAMI - Sept. 28, 2020 - PRLog -- "Be the Change" is the creed the young volunteers at Joshua's Heart live by as they forge ahead to make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable citizens throughout South Florida. Mary Logan Woolsey, a Junior Advisory Board (JAB) member of Joshua's Heart (JHF) led the way with the help of her family during Hunger Action Month, as she organized her second food distribution project.
With storms passing through, an already challenging distribution due to COVID-19 could have easily become a nightmare. However, Mary Logan and her team forged ahead like true champions of change. "I was so proud to see that even with the air of uncertainty surrounding everything about how to handle these new issues, everyone remained positive and just as helpful and dedicated as ever," Mary Logan said.

Joshua's Heart Foundation was able to successfully distribute groceries to 350 families at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church in Coconut Grove. They received support from Miami-Dade County, Farm Share, State Representative Nicholas Duran, Commissioners Daniella Levine-Cava and Ken Russell and his daughters. SEIU Local 1991, President Martha Baker along with nurses and doctors from Jackson Memorial Hospital, President of Related Urban Development Group, Albert Milo Jr. and his children, along with Ransom Everglades Upper School students, parents, JHF employees, volunteers, and members of the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church all participated to make the day a complete success.

Mary Logan found the new normal rules for interaction to be difficult at first. However, the volunteers took to the tasks with ease and interacted liked nothing had changed. Despite working through a tropical storm, most of the weather was benign, with random downpours and large gusts of wind. Even though being soaked by rain, all the volunteers kept working without questions or complaints. Volunteer numbers were limited for this event, but those attending observed all social distancing protocols and all challenges were overcome.

#joshuasheart #endhunger #changemakers #youthvolunteers #bethechange

About Joshua's Heart Foundation (JHF)
JHF was founded in 2005 in Miami, Florida by Joshua when he was four and a half years old and is dedicated to the fight against global hunger and poverty. JHF is a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit, which empowers needy people to improve their quality of life by providing necessities like groceries and personal items. We also effectively engage and educate young people in committing to fight hunger and poverty on a global basis. Learn more at


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