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Follow on Google News | eccenca Strengthens Crisis Resilience of German EconomyEccenca knowledge graph platform is foundational technology for federal projects to increase supply chain resilience.
By: eccenca The funding priorities cover economic, health and socio-political aspects of crisis management. As the BMWi states in its call, in crisis situations, time-saving is often crucial. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a key building block for this. The effectiveness and usability of AI applications, though, is always dependent on high-quality, comprehensible, verified data from a wide variety of sources. However, these are usually highly distributed, heterogeneous, and located in proprietary siloed systems. "To make reliable, accurate predictions about the behavior of supply chains in crises, you need three things," confirms Dr. Sebastian Tramp, CTO at eccenca. "First, a vast amount of data covering all perspectives and influencing factors. Second, contextual and logical knowledge to make the data interpretable and the AI processes explainable. And third, a user-friendly and context-specific visualization of both the results and the background knowledge. Our Knowledge Graph platform provides the technological foundation for these capabilities." Ability To Act Proactively in Crisis Situations The CoyPu project (Cognitive Economy Intelligence Platform for the Resilience of Economic Ecosystems) aims to develop configurable dashboards that provide decision-makers in politics and business with reliable, up-to-date decision-making resources and recommendations for managing crises. Within this framework, a platform is being developed for the integration, structuring, networking, analysis and evaluation of heterogeneous data from economic supply networks as well as the industry environment and social context. The ResKriVer project ( Communication and Information Platform for Resilient Crisis-Relevant Supply Networks) focuses on preventive crisis management of the supply of critical services and products. It will implement a digital platform that uses AI applications to collect, create and communicate crisis-relevant information for supply chains. In particular, it aims to forecast the impact of bottlenecks in the supply chains of companies and the public sector (i.e. medical institutions, emergency services, etc.). The enterprise-ready, tried-and-tested semantic knowledge graph platform eccenca Corporate Memory forms the technological foundation in both projects to integrate the different data sources, to link context and domain knowledge with data and thus to enable explainable AI. For more information on the knowledge graph platform eccenca Corporate Memory, please visit: End
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