Electric Playhouse Renews Their Focus On The Experience of Both Their Visitors As Well As Their StaffWhen an executive team is focused, the benefits are felt everywhere.
By: Electric Playhouse "As we look to our upcoming expansion, we have decided to move to a more scalable and sustainable model, focusing attention on the critical parts of the company… our guest and our staff experience." As Electric Playhouse moves beyond its initial start-up phase and into a more confident growth trajectory, the roles of its Executives have evolved as well. Co-Founder John-Mark Collins will move to the Chief Experience Officer (CXO) position to ensure that output of content and offerings stays exciting and relevant. Co-Founder Brandon Garrett will assume the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) duties to focus on growth and scalability while ensuring that the internal experience is just as rewarding as what they are creating for guests. Finally, Eric Yakley will push his Chief Technology Officer (CTO) role forward with a significantly more refined process and oversight - allowing for grow as both a technology and an entertainment company. "This change allows for clear leadership on our content and product strategy, as well as a definitive leader on the growth, real estate, and scalability side of the business. We're not successful unless both of these key pieces are handled with incredible attention to detail and energy." -Brandon Garrett, CEO While they have been working on these fronts, their organization model has been operating much more as the traditional startup, where everyone does a little bit of everything. While it has shown success, it is neither sustainable for the long term nor good for focus and clarity of the staff and stakeholders. This new departmental model allows for faster growth, on-boarding and team efficiency. Thus, Electric Playhouse (https://electricplayhouse.com/) Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End