QView Medical in Support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month Joins the Initiative of AmIDense.comThe 2021 American Cancer Society's estimate is 280,000 women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and 44,000 will die. Again, these statistics haven't changed in years. "To make an impact on the mortality number, we need to screen younger women more often with Breast Ultrasound knowing the density is present." QView Medical, Chairman Bob Wang Now it is important to remind ourselves of hard facts on Breast Density that impact women around the world. "Seventy-Four percent of U.S. patients between 40-49 years old had dense breast." - AJR (2012) "Dense Breast Tissue has become the most prevalent of all risk factors for breast cancer." - DenseBreast- "Risk of developing cancer is 4-6X HIGHER with Women with Breast Dense Tissue." - Journal of Radiology (2004) "Approximately 43% of women age 40-74 have dense breast" - Journal National Cancer Institute (2014) Today, women are initially told of breast density when they receive their "mammography letter," summarizing the results of the mammography exam. When informed of the limitations of the exam due to density, it seems to add more confusion than clarity. It is time that Women better understand the results of their screening exam. If additional studies are needed, they need to request the NEXT STEP in screening. Suggestions on starting the conversation let's ASK the Questions of your Primary Care Doctor.