Well-Being and Equity (WE ) In The World Mobilizes Change for a More Economically and Racially Just Society"We are caught in an inescapable web of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny" - Martin Luther King, Jr
By: WE in the World Institute WE in the World's mission is to "build a world together where everyone can reach their full potential for health and life and contribute to that of others, freed from systemic injustice." This multiracial organization recognizes the fundamental need for change in the way we think and act and is working with changemakers around the world to show that real change is possible. WE in the World begins with the understanding that we need each other–and the talents and gifts of those experiencing inequities–to create a better world. "We tend to blame or help those who are poor," says Dr. Somava Saha, president and chief executive officer, WE in the World. "We rarely see the possibility and contribution of communities who experience racial, economic, place-based and other inequities. We believe that the liberation of human potential in communities experiencing inequities holds the key to our collective well-being and abundance." Since its inception three years ago, WE in the World has accomplished the following milestones:
WE in the World is bringing real change to communities of color through the following initiatives. Communities RISE Together: The RISE (Reach, Immunizations, System Change for Equity) organization recognizes how the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated existing issues of inequity, disproportionately affecting "communities of color, people in poverty, LGBTQ+ youth and older adults." Challenges facing these communities include restricted access to resources due to the direct funneling of those resources to wealthy communities, and the spread of misinformation leading to mistrust in vaccines. By building trust, civic capacity and system transformation, we are helping trusted community leaders to set a path for long-term transformation. Results:
ARISE: ARISE (Activating Relationships in Illinois for Systemic Equity), a joint initiative between WE in the World, the Illinois Department of Public Health's (IDPH) Center for Minority Health Services, the Center for Rural Health and Heluna Health is distributing $3.7 million to communities of color and rural communities across Illinois to strategically advance health equity. Using frameworks developed by WE in the World together with the CDC and ASTHO, these coalitions are addressing the underlying causes of health inequity in Illinois communities, especially in the context of COVID-19. Community leaders from the ARISE initiative are meeting this week in Northern Illinois to chart a long term path toward structural equity with community residents, health departments and community leaders working together to create meaningful change. Results:
Well-Being In the Nation Network WE in the World serves as the trellis support organization for the Wellbeing In the Nation Network, which brings together a diverse and growing set of change agents to advance intergenerational well-being and equity. By connecting hundreds of change agents to work on thorny challenges like advancing racial justice, an equitable economy and a movement for an equitable democracy, Results:
Changemaker Support WE in the World amplifies and supports the work of hundreds of changemakers from communities experiencing inequities around the world to spread and scale. They believe that no one needs to change the world alone. By amplifying solutions from those who are closest to the problems, we create the conditions for intergenerational healing and justice in a way that is sustainable and restorative. By creating the flow of capital needed for them to succeed, we support their work to scale and spread. Example solutions include:
To learn more about WE in the World programs and services to bring real change to communities of color, to donate or to volunteer, visit https://www.weintheworld.org/ ### About WE in the World: Well-Being and Equity (WE) in the World (https://www.weintheworld.org/) WE in the World (https://www.weintheworld.org/) End