April 24, 2023 -
PRLog -- The JET Progress production of the film, WINNOWING -- https://www.imdb.com/
title/tt27559749 -- was completed yesterday. Amiss the food and frivolity at the internet "wrap party," Lead Actor Daniel S. Janik reprised his roles as Jeff Candleston and Richard Andrews with delight. "Doing a William Maltese screenplay is really the height of fun for an actor. William's characters are pure delight." Lead Actress Setsuko Tsuchiya, who played Aika Abiko and Sakura Kai, readily agreed. "Being a native Japanese speaker, I was hesitant to star in an English-speaking role, but William's characters and Dan's directorial support made it a richly rewarding experience. Though admittedly I'd like to in the future also do Japanese-speaking roles, I'd gladly act in another of William's screenplays, hint, hint!"
pointed out Daniel, "is also my directing debut. Working with a minimalistic, breakout 'short', relying almost entirely on dialog to carry the drama-mystery, and with not one, but within the picture, seven screen-adapted excerpts from William Maltese's over two hundred and fifty provocative works, proved a formidable task. The proof, however, can be seen in the resulting film scenes, which I expect to continue to exceed my highest expectations as the work progresses through post-production. Everything so far points to it being a thoroughly engaging film."
A wealth of behind-the-scenes photos, video clips, interviews and reports captured throughout shooting, are available at
https://janik.yolasite.com/winnowing.php and will continue to be posted throughout post-production.