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Follow on Google News | Are Entertainment Tours Worth The Time, Money, or Effort: Beyonce, Says Yes!The talent, the work, the drive, the fame, and then the adventure.
By: So Seductive Kiss Fans Entertainment "I don't mind traveling that much when I can go somewhere, and stay there for a while, but touring is different. You rarely see anything. You get there early in the morning, and you're resting all day, and you go in, and do a sound check, and you do the show, and then bam you're gone." - George Strait The buzz, and excitement of exploring a new destination can be a lifelong dream for some, but it also can be a nightmare for others. In many stories that are told some of the most famous entertainers eventually lose it all by touring the world. Some lose families, and may even take their own lives afterwards. But a fantastic voyage brings that childhood fairy tale to life. So many may say it's worth the risk. According to historical records, Franz Liszt was the first musician to explore the concert experience. The reports by Statista revealed that on average for the year of 2019 the world gross profits for a music tour were 5.55 billion, but as of 2020 they were only 1.2 billion. Is a music world tour worth it? Justin Ray of Rob Report Media stated that Beyonce's 2023 music tour may generate 2 billion dollars in gross profits. Is this worth the risk? Some musicians like Lady Gaga, say no! The 57 destination Renaissance music tour has begun, and many fans are racing to buy tickets. Some fans are traveling to other countries from the United States in order to get a better deal for their hard earned money. The bees are swarming to the beehive. "To be able to travel the world, especially to places I never thought I'd be… it's really, you know, still fascinating for me." - Beyonce End
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