May 13, 2024 -
PRLog -- The Center for Critical Public Health @ the Institute for Scientific Analysis announces the launch of a poster series, "NorCal is Home," designed to amplify housing concerns raised by young adults who participated in studies that the center conducted with approximately 150 residents of rural Northern California communities. In an effort to make this research more accessible to a general audience, the poster series highlights findings from a scholarly paper ("An Exploration of Rural Housing Insecurity as a Public Health Problem in California's Rural Northern Counties"), which was recently published in the
Journal of Community Health with center director Tamar Antin as lead author.
Designed in collaboration with Mount Shasta artist Baruch Inbar, the posters illustrate themes related to housing affordability, housing stability, and housing conditions in the context of rural NorCal communities, with an emphasis on study participants' own words. The posters can be downloaded for free at, or viewed in person in local community spaces. Through engagement with the poster series, the "NorCal is Home" project aims to encourage dialogue and raise awareness about the challenges young adults face in securing stable, affordable, and safe housing in California's rural northern communities.
"In the face of widespread awareness about the housing crisis in California cities, these studies draw attention to the reality that rural communities aren't immune," said Antin. "Young adults are especially affected by increasing rents, few if any available homes, a lack of liveable wage jobs, and displacement from climate crises."
For more information about the "NorCal is Home" project and to access the posters, please visit or contact Posters can also be downloaded directly from