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Follow on Google News | Turaco reduces fleet's fuel costs by 20% using FrotcomBy implementing Frotcom in its fleet, the Angolan company has greater control over its operations, enabling significant cost reductions.
By: FROTCOM - INTELLIGENT FLEETS Turaco's main objective was to improve control over its fleet's routes, cargo, and fuel costs. Additionally, they aimed to: - Reduce fuel theft risks; - Limit drivers' uninterrupted driving hours; - Lower the quantity of fleet corrective maintenance interventions. The transport and logistics company chose Frotcom due to its ability to assess the needs of its particular business and identify the best solution for its fleet management optimization. The comprehensive training and ongoing support provided by Frotcom's team have proven invaluable for Turaco. They have allowed Turaco's team to fully explore Frotcom's features and how they could serve their fleet's specific needs. By using Frotcom features such as Route planning and monitoring and Fleet cost management, the Angolan road transport company improved control over its fleet operations. This resulted in a reduction in drivers' continuous driving hours and improved fleet utilization, which led to a remarkable 15% reduction in operating costs. Moreover, with better control over fleet operations and drivers, the company could decrease the number of corrective maintenance interventions, thereby lowering costs. In addition, by combining these features with Frotcom's Fleet alarms and Fuel management, the company has: - Improved control over its cargo; - Mitigated fuel theft within its fleet; - Achieved a notable 20% reduction in annual fuel expenses. David Montez, Turaco's Administrator, shared about Frotcom: "Frotcom has genuinely helped us control our business, both from an operational and financial point of view. We will always recommend Frotcom to companies looking to optimize their fleet operations and reduce costs." With Frotcom's team support and using Frotcom's features, Turaco has significantly reduced its fleet costs and now has a more efficient and optimized fleet. End
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