Sept. 18, 2024 -
PRLog -- The Origin of Expiration-Brooklyn Story Now featured on Amazon; began December 14
th, 2021 I received a call from the Rehabilitation/
Nursing Home that my 34-year-old years had passed away. We both had survived Covid. Her diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease occurred in early 2020. This woman did all the right things to take care of herself The days and weeks after her burial; I began Dredging up a lot of memories in my life; the ability to spend time and to reflect on good, and bad times in my Life. It was a book to urge the Third and Fourth Generation Jews to reflect on the lives of their ancestors who immigrated to the United States in search of a dream. Evolving from Tenements on New York's Lower Eastside when their earnings increase, they go over the Brooklyn Bridge to settle in EAST NEW YORK BROOKLYN immigrating across the Country by the end of World WAR 11. One of the goals of the book is to raise awareness that life didn't start with Green Lawns, bathrooms, and two-car garages. It offers a learning moment to avoid having a corporate Identity where Politics overcomes talent. Eliminate EGO; the most important thing is to find a way to eat and pay rent then follow your passion. Think of your life with a hidden bar code.
The book is now available on Amazon - Expiration - A Brooklyn Story eBook : Gutwirth, Allen: Books (