May 3, 2021 -
PRLog -- Creating a VAC Community with a simple piece of jewelry which will make it easier for people who have ended their COVID 19 Vaccination.. The VAX pin will not be offered to the General Public. The only way to receive the VAX PIN is through the completion oif the process via a Federal, State, or Medical Facility.
Allen Gutwirth the Author of the Personal Empowerment Book "How To Renovate Your Innerself" featured on Amazon both in Paperback and Kindle. How to Renovate is a book which tells the reader that they are in control of their of life.;
The ultimate control is the ability to keep you and your love ones safe."The Covid19 Pandemic and it's deadly results motivated the Global,Scientific Community to rise to the challenge creating an immediate break through of an approved Vaccination in record time due to new technology and the belief of those who signed up for drug trials has given a new meaning TO I AM MY BROTHER'S KEEPER;" Stated Mr Gutwirth who as president of New York Interior Design Firm Elaine Lewis International ; whose design studio created the pin which is AMERICAN MADE THROUGH A RELATIONSHIP WITH PINSOURCE LOCATED IN VERMONT. FOR ART WORK CONTACT