Christmas LGBTU Issues Raised About Santa's Reindeer

Was Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer Misgendered; Lawyers and Vets Weigh In
WASHINGTON - Dec. 17, 2024 - PRLog -- To the growing number of restrictions about which restrooms transgender people may use and which sports teams they may play on - as well as professors and others now being fired for misgendering students and co-workers - comes a new controversy: are Rudolph the Red-Nose and Santa's other reindeer misgendered?

A famous scientist has raised new questions about the gender of Rudolph and Santa's other reindeer, or perhaps the issue is one of "sex" rather than "gender."

It also started when famous scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson sent out an email one Christmas Day claiming that "Rudolf has been misgendered."

In our increasingly gender-litigious world, this might also mean that Santa could be charged with sex discrimination for picking only females to pull his sleigh through the air, as well as for possibly misgendering Rudolph.

Some LGBTU+ lawyers cheered, just thinking about how many people they could sue or file complaints against for misgendering, which has become a major topic and a firing offense on many campuses, says Banzhaf.

Another lawyer, apparently trying to engage in social commentary, suggested: "the key question is how does Rudolf identify, not what physical features xhe has."

But another lawyer, Banzhaf, points out that, to determine the sex of any reindeer, one need only look at the bottom of the animal, and not at the top.  What's the point of looking at antlers, which may or may not fall off at different times of the year, when you can simply look for a penis which stays the same year round?

That way it should be easy to determine whether Rudolph and any other reindeer are a pointer or a setter, says Banzhaf, although it doesn't make as much difference for reindeer as it can for humans.  Here's why.

Reindeer don't use restrooms or undress in front of other reindeer, so that their proper sex or gender never becomes a problem as it has for humans.

Moreover, since there is no serious objection to F2M transgender athletes playing on a men's team, Rudolph - with or without a penis - can certainly compete as a male reindeer.

Professor Banzhaf, an antismoking activist, is perhaps best known this time of year for persuading Santa Claus to give up smoking.

Apparently as a result of Banzhaf's success with Santa, the classic Christmas poem, "A Visit From St. Nicholas," has been reedited @profbanzhaf

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