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By BookBuzz NO-WIN: The Impossible Rules of Womanhood pulls back the curtain on the double standards and pressures that shape women's lives, challenging the narrative that they must do it all and still fall short.
| By Shalom Shore It's about bloody time: a provocative critique of toxic masculinity that aims to challenge gender stereotypes and encourage reflection and empathy regarding societal attitudes towards menstruation.
|  | By Itna Press NYC-born, L.A. based indie publisher challenges conventional notions of literary classics.
|  | By SR Socially Relevant Film Festival, Inc On the occasion of International Women's History Month, SRFF celebrates the Women Filmmakers of 2024 with a dedicated program of films, a webinar, and a screening followed by a panel discussion at NGO CSW's 68th UN Forum.
|  | By Artsy Fartsy PR Despite rampant agism in her comments, Mandy Mayhem continues to inspire with her provocative lyrics
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