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By Classy Communications A. Philip Randolph Institute, Las Vegas (APRI) recently elected Guy Dawson as its president.
| By LaborLab , plays a pivotal role in protecting the right of workers to join together in unionsEngineers, maintenance mechanics, carpenters, painters, and groundskeepers at West Suburban Medical Center are organizing to join IUOE 339 for a stronger voice at work.
| By APRI Las Vegas A. Philip Randolph Institute Las Vegas (APRI), an organization of black trade unionists whose mission is the pursuit of social, political and economic justice for all working Americans recently elected a new leadership team.
| | By Classy Communications PR & Advertising Evelyn Pacheco had a powerful purpose when she founded Nevada Women In Trades(NVWIT) in 2018. Her organization prepares women in Nevada for successful careers in high skilled blue-collar (trade) occupations.
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