Jan. 9, 2009 -
PRLog -- Green Real Estate Education, the leader in educational courses on green awareness on building practices for the real estate industry stresses the importance of keeping prices in line with what people can afford. None of their courses are over $100 and they do not allow their courses to be offered for more than $99, by their sponsors or alliance partners, "It doesn't make sense to offer educational programs that people can not afford." says Kerry Mitchell, President of Green Real Estate Education. "Many of our colleagues cannot even afford to stay in business. As someone who has completed close to 400 transactions in my own career, I have never seen a real estate market where so many are suffering. Most agents are not renewing their licenses. In some parts of the country, agents have to pay $1700 or more annually for personal marketing, the necessary tools of the trade such as signs, insurances, key boxes, and then to meet the educational requirements states require to stay in business. There are dues to national and local boards and everything is just putting pressure on these professionals on decision to stay in business. We are excited to bring something to their table that can make a difference for them. Our course offerings include information on green building, tax incentives, energy ratings, and energy issues for a price they can afford." The company has been writing and planning their course structure since 2006. They started teaching in Florida in 2007 and now their certification courses are approved not only by ARELLO, an organization who scrutinizes course content an offerings, but in 15 states nationwide. "We feel offering our courses for continuing education is crucial." says Mitchell. "We will be forming alliances with companies who want to expose their products to home owners in 2009. The real estate industry is positioned to accept new ideas for services offered and helping our industry to implement "green concepts" in their professions, is meeting this need." Starting with classroom classes sometimes with only 16 in a class, they attracted close to 100 when they taught in Honolulu, Hawaii for Coldwell Banker, one of the largest real estate firms in the country. "Our courses are requested from real estate boards, small companies and large companies who are looking for information on "green and on energy efficiency to share with clients." The timing couldn't be better as most are curious on how to renovate to lower utility bills. Green renovations, according to Mitchell, can make a difference in real estate values. Using healthy materials and installing more high efficiency systems can make a difference in quality of life. While economic times are challenging many, those involved in the energy sector holds promise for growth. The company boasts their educational programs are in demand even in these economic times.
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We educate and certify professions in the real estate sectors on the basics of entering the green arena and what it means to their profession. Our focus is training those who work on the built structure. those in the real estate arena to include real estate professionals, inspectors, mortgage professions and their contractors.