The Sergay Group publishes the What Is Corporate Culture Guide?

Corporate culture is one of those focus areas that are not always fully understood.
By: The Sergay Group, Ltd.
Oct. 29, 2009 - PRLog -- Corporate Culture Defined

Corporate culture is one of those focus areas that are not always fully understood and are not optimally utilized either in an organization.

A basic definition of organizational culture is the collective way we do things around here. It involves a learned set of behaviors that is common knowledge to all the participants. These behaviors are based on a shared system of meanings which guide our perceptions, understanding of events, and what we pay attention to. As Sun Tzu, a Chinese military general from 3000 BC, indicated in his explanation of strategy, culture forms an integral part of any organizational strategy. It consists of Tao - the created and shared beliefs, values, and glue that holds an organization together, and it also involves the very nature of the organization. Culture is about individuals in a group sharing patterns of behavior. There is no cultural absolute. Because culture is relative, we have the power to create a culture that is the best fit for an organization’s future direction....

For more on this guide...

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The Sergay Group is a consulting firm that specializes in organizational development, organizational development training, leadership and employee development training and more.

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