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Follow on Google News | Help for Those Dealing with Grief Work Through Grieving Process & Symptoms Like Excessive FatigueDealing with grief is something you will do. The second of the four stages of grief includes dealing with emotional and physical symptoms of grief. Excessive tiredness is linked with the emotional state of grief, and must be dealt with individually.
By: Kevin Rush Rush has learned that dealing with grief takes four steps. First, acceptance of the loss; second you feel physical and emotional symptoms of pain and begin to address those symptoms individually and deal with them ; third, adjustment to the world that the loss left behind, without that person or thing you lost ; and last, moving on with life. What Rush explores with his clients is the second stage of grieving, which is dealing with the emotional and physical symptoms of pain and loss as they work through the loss. Rush states, “Often times while dealing with loss people simply ignore their physical symptoms of pain and grief such as pain of the body and excessive tiredness. I help people deal with the physical symptoms of pain through fitness and healthy life changes that address those physical issues.” Rush further goes on to explain that each of the physical symptoms one feels during grief should not be ignored or brushed off, but dealt with individually as they come. For example, if they’re feeling excessive tiredness as many who are grieving to, they should explore ways to reduce your fatigue. There are a number of herbs and vitamins that can help you overcome fatigue. Some of the vitamins and herbs that may have a positive effect on fatigue are vitamin C, B100 Complex, Magnesium Citrate, Ashwagandha, and Cordyceps to name a few. But vitamins and herbs, if taken in the wrong volumes can also cause their own set of problems, so Rush offers his own advice and experience as a Healthy Living Expert to people seeking a cure for their excessive tiredness. One proven cure to fatigue that has been well adopted by the medical industry is anti-oxidants. You may have heard this term used a lot lately in regards to the healing properties anti-oxidants may have on cancerous cells in the body, but anti-oxidant foods also help to reduce the amount of free radicals in the body – the same free radicals that cause a condition known as oxidative stress, which is a leading cause of fatigue. Even though your fatigue may be rooted in emotional grief, helping to reduce the physical symptoms of fatigue can help you work through the second stage of grief more quickly. To apply to receive 30 days of advice about introducing curing oxidative stress, reducing fatigue and increasing antioxidants in your diet, sign up at Your sign up also includes a free 20 page report titled, Fatigue to Fit. # # # Fatigue-to-Fit’ End
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