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Follow on Google News | Expert Addresses Insomnia Fatigue Cures in New ReportInsomnia affects as many as 1 in 10 people in the U.S. and even when treated, may not be completely cured. A new report offers hope for those suffering from insomnia fatigue and free advice for 30 days for people committed to finding a fatigue cure.
By: Kevin Rush Insomnia is commonly described as an inability to sleep, but actually insomnia encompasses much more than that. Irregular sleep patterns, over sleeping, sleeping at the wrong times and not being able to sleep are all symptoms of an insomnia disorder. Insomnia fatigue is the left over effect of these irregular rest patterns and insomnia fatigue can be almost impossible to function with. Unfortunately one of the most troubling side effects of these kinds of sleep problems is insomnia fatigue. Insomnia fatigue is fatigue that continues on throughout the day. For example, if on is finding themselves falling asleep at their desk, needing caffeine to get through the afternoon, or barely able to drive during mid-day because they’re so tired, they may be suffering from insomnia fatigue. Rush states, “Even slightly irregular sleep patterns can make a person fatigued the next day. The first step is to follow my simple advice to help you improve your sleep patterns. The next step is to address the insomnia fatigue that even people whose insomnia is mostly controlled may still experience.” Some of Rush’s advice for insomnia fatigue cure includes hydration of the body, increasing physical activity and changing eating habits to include eating protein snacks at regular intervals throughout the day. He also advices people about how to improve sleep patterns to help them get as close to 8 hours of sleep as possible. Rush has made it his personal mission to help people who experience fatigue live healthy, happy lives. It is personal to him because he himself, despite being physically active and fit, suffered from fatigue daily almost 12 years ago. “I researched day and night until I found the fatigue cure I was looking for and I’m glad to be able to pass it on to others, because nobody has to live like that.” To download Rush’s free report visit He also offers free personal advice for 30 days to a limited number of people. # # # About Author Kevin Rush: Fatigue-to-Fit’ End
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