![]() BioEnergetic Medicine Panel Ushers in New Pediatric ParadigmPediatric and Autism Experts From Across the Nation Share Best Practices for Pediatrics and Autism During the Energetix BioEnergetic College in Newark, New Jersey
By: Energetix May 19, 2011 - PRLog -- On May 13, 2011, a diverse group of practitioners came together and shared some of the best practices they had seen in working effectively with pediatrics and children with autism spectrum disorders. Each practitioner brought a unique perspective related to their practice and all were united on several key principles that have guided their excellence in healthcare delivery, including:
• The innate healing power of the human body • The need to look at each patient individually • Toxicity and its negative effect on function • The best first step is opening the flow system of the body Amongst the panelists was Dr. Larry Palevsky, a renowned pediatrician and lecturer and current president of the Holistic Pediatric Association. Dr. Palevsky began the event by outlining key skills necessary to be an effective pediatric practitioner. One of his first points was to “first reduce the amount of potentially inflammatory influences coming into the body, not only foods but also the physical and energetic environment.” This sentiment was echoed by the whole panel, especially Dr. Joy Sakonyi, who offered some insight into working with classic pediatric primary care, everything from ear infections to allergies, hyperactivity to constipation. As the conversation moved towards autism, Michael Payne, an autism recovery specialist from Richmond, VA, summarized his experience of working with almost 2,000 children on the spectrum by stating that, “When you have seen one child with autism, you have seen one child with autism,” which is a testament to the individual nature of this condition. He also provided significant insight into the importance of the brain stem and how to reduce neuroinflammation through BioEnergetic methods. Michael also was quick to point out how much he had learned from the mothers of the children he had worked with, and how “involving the parents into the care was a key way to creating an effective medical team.” This was echoed by two of the other panelists, Sheila Reed and Lauren Stone, who were interested in BioEnergetic medicine after recovering both of their once-autistic sons through the system of medicine known as homotoxicology. Ms. Reed and Ms. Stone shared some of their insights into the healing potential of imprinting and inverting frequencies into homeopathic remedies, techniques that are helping their current patient populations to regain health faster than ever before, especially with Lyme disease and associated conditions. Cellular health and detoxification was a consistent consideration shared by all the panelists. One panelist who really seemed to strike a consistent chord with the other panelists and audience members was Todd Stelik, an occupational and cranial sacral therapist who founded CAB (Cranial Assessment of BioResonance) Iris Chen, MD, PhD, one of the attendees at the event and an Energetix Medical Advisory Board Member, asked for the mic and told the panel that, “Although they did not practice Traditional Chinese Medicine, their words and stories showed that when it came to their clinical approach, all of them ‘spoke’ Chinese.” Autism spectrum disorders are often complex and require a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to their resolution. With so many tools available to today’s practitioners, the question is not if we can make more productive and creative use of the tools at hand, but how. This diverse group of panelists offered a number of excellent starting points worthy of consideration and expansion. Keep an eye out for future sessions on this topic! # # # A professional remedy line that caters exclusively to healthcare practitioners, including naturopaths, chiropractors, AK practitioners, EAV practitioners, acupuncturists and homeopaths, MDs, nurse practitioners and practitioners of Chinese medicine. End