3 Types of Digital Freelance Writing Jobs That Are In Demand and Pay Well

Following are three types of digital freelance writing jobs that are hot right now, and that pay extremely well.
By: Inkwell Editorial
Feb. 22, 2013 - PRLog -- Back in 2008, I wrote a report entitled, The Freelance Writing Jobs Report. The main reason I wrote the report is because -- as an SEO writing company owner -- I get a lot of questions from new freelance writers, as well as experienced ones (usually because they’ve hit a dry patch) about how to find work. The report explained where the opportunities were in freelance writing – and how to go about landing these jobs.

Many of the opportunities in freelance writing discussed in the report were in the digital arena. To this end, following are three types of digital freelance writing jobs that are hot right now, and that pay extremely well.

I. Ebook Writing: There are a lot of novice writers out there who are dipping their toes in the self-publishing waters. Proof?

E-book production in 2011 was 87,201, up 129 percent over 2006. Print grew [by just] 33 percent in the same period. [Source: New Statistics From Bowker: Self-Publishing Sees Triple-Digit Growth in Just Five Years (10/24/2012 InfoDocket article)]

Many of these newbies need assistance at some point in the editorial process – with everything from the writing, to the editing and marketing of their ebook.

All of these are services freelancers can provide.

Another market to target in this niche is business owners who want ebooklets written as promotional tools. For example, my SEO writing company regularly produces ebooklets of 5-15 pages, charging anywhere from $500 to $1,500 depending on the subject matter. And, these only take a week or two to produce.

II. Writing for Mobile Devices: Consumers are using their mobile devices more than ever these days to surf the web, check email, upload photographs, interact on social media, etc.

The article, "Making Mobile Better: Mobile Computing Devices May Overtake Personal Computer for Internet Use in 2013," on the Science Daily website underscores how fast this phenomenon is growing stating, "Mobile computing devices will probably overtake the personal computer as the most common means for accessing the Internet worldwide sometime in 2013."

Text has to be written in a certain way for mobile devices. For example, one of my company’s newsletter subscribers asked back in 2011 if I could start including shortened links in the text because she read most of the newsletters on her mobile phone and couldn’t click on hyperlinks (the text had to start with an http).

The point is, learning how to write for mobile devices is a specific skill – and if you know how to do it, you can charge handsomely for it.

III. SEO Content Writing (http://www.seowritingjobs.com/seo-content-writing-an-over...): This type of technical writing has to do with writing content in such a way that helps companies get found online. It improves brand visibility, as well as generates sales and leads. And, this is why companies pay freelancer writers (in a lot of cases) pretty well to produce it.

How Much Can You Charge as an SEO Writer

For example, for writing a 50-300 word blog post, a freelancer can charge on average of $25-$45 per post. For longer SEO articles, (eg, 350-500 words), a freelancer can realistically charge $35-$75 per article.

Remember, these are just averages. Some freelancers charge more, others less. But as you can see, even writing just a few articles and/or blog posts per day can earn you a great part-time or full-time income – working right from the comfort of your home.

Digital Freelance Writing Jobs: Conclusion

As these three opportunities demonstrate, there are a wealth of freelance writing opportunities brought on by the digital age, which makes finding freelance writing jobs -- online in particular – limited only by your imagination.

About the Author: Yuwanda Black heads New Media Words (NewMediaWords.biz), an SEO writing company she founded in 2008. In 2007, she started earning $250+/day writing SEO content -- in less than three weeks! You can too. Gain insight into 7 more digital freelance writing job (http://inkwelleditorial.com/digital-freelance-writing-job...) opportunities.
Source:Inkwell Editorial
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Tags:Seo Writing Jobs, Online Writing Jobs, Seo Content Writing, Freelance Writing Jobs, Writing For Seo
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