Aug. 1, 2013 -
PRLog -- Joe Simon, former Rhythm and Blues singer, Grammy award winner, now Bishop Joe Simon endorses Hillary Rodham Clinton for President of the United States of America in 2016. I say to Mrs. Clinton, “Don’
t Give Up, You Can Make It If You Try, You Can Win.” I have been watching and listening to the No, No, No Republicans and I don’t see any Republican qualified to be President of the United States in 2016, not a one.
The Republicans entire agenda is to destroy the United State's democratic system, dismantle its structure and abolish the hopes and the dreams of the American people. The Republicans do not know how to follow, and if you do not know how to follow you will never know how to lead. Any political party or any member of a political party fighting against the values of the United States and fighting against the people of the United States should never represent the presidency of the United States of America. Hillary Rodham Clinton, I endorse you, the first woman to be President of the United States of America. Again, "Don't Give Up, You Can Make It If You Try, You Can Win."