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Follow on Google News | Momondo Finds Tuesdays Cheapest To FlyAnd travel search site finds flights departing at end of the week can cost up to 46% more
By: momondo Testing 40 of the UK’s most popular flight routes this week, momondo found that statistically for 100% of these routes, it is it cheaper to depart earlier in the week (between Mon – Thurs), rather than later in the week (between Fri – Sun). This was a uniform trend, despite the individuality of each route, distance and flight time, including both domestic and international routes. And looking at these 40 routes, for 58% of them, the cheapest departure day was a Tuesday. For 28% of the routes, it was cheapest to depart on a Wednesday. And for the remaining 14% of routes, it was cheapest to depart on a Monday, or Thursday. By studying these 40 routes, momondofound that by departing earlier in the week, on the cheapest day of travel (between Mon – Thurs, depending on route), momondofound Brits can save on average, 18% on flight price* - as the cheapest day’s flight price, was on average, 18% lower, than the most expensive day’s average flight price. And looking individually at some routes, this saving went up to 36%. Brits depart on most expensive days Despite this trend, the majority of Brits depart on the week’s most expensive days – Friday, Saturday and Sunday, which on average, between all 40 routes, costs 22% more than the cheapest day’s price**. And on some routes momondo found the airfare, departing on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, rises by a massive 46%, of the price to fly earlier in the week, when it is cheapest. "The majority of Brits like to leave for a holiday at the end of the working week, preferring not to wait until Monday to set off. However, we found that with some flexibility in your schedule, you can save a lot of money by departing in the beginning of the week instead," explains Julie Pedersen, Spokesperson at momondo. Along with day of departure, the cost of an airfare is strongly influenced by factors including the number of days before departure, time of day, season, airlines serving the route, and airports of departure and arrival. These factors are highly individual for each route, and should be taken into consideration by travellers wishing to save money on their flight. The new tool "Flight Insight", was introduced by momondo to provide users with a greater insight into how airlines set their prices, showing which factors to watch out for, when searching for the cheapest fares. The tool appears at the top of the search results on momondo, after a user specifies a set flight search. It is currently available on over 700 routes world-wide, and being added to further routes daily. ENDS FOOTNOTES: *This figure was calculated by working out the mean of all the percentage decreases, between each of the most expensive days’ flight prices and the least expensive days’ flight prices, for all 40 routes. ** This figure was calculated by working out the mean of all the percentage increases, between each of the least expensive days’ flight prices and the most expensive days’ flight prices, for all 40 routes. For further information, or to request a list of the 40 routes tested, please contact: Leila Stocker Turtle PR leila@turtle- @Turtle_PR About momondo: Travel search engine finds and compares billions of prices on flights, hotels and travel deals. momondo was launched in 2006 and has been recommended by international media, such as the New York Times, CNN, NBC, CBS, The Daily Telegraph, and The London Sunday Times, as well as the legendary travel guru Arthur Frommer. momondo has won several awards, including a flight comparison test in 2012 by Stiftung Warentest, Germany’ End
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