Green Art People Announces Partnership with Nonprofit AWAKE Community

Common aims join art-based organizations for sustainable collaborative action
By: Green Art People
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LOS ANGELES - Nov. 6, 2013 - PRLog -- Today two California nonprofits officially linked arms to further sustainable living through art. Green Art People, based in Ventura, and AWAKE Community, with operations in San Diego and Los Angeles, are forging a partnership that is connecting the southern coast of California through creativity with a cause. Both organizations focus on living in harmony with the earth and reducing humanity’s consumptive footprint;  both do so through inspirational creation.

The mission of Green Art People is to build community and  nurture creativity through art, music, and conservation.  The organization provides space and programs that put the power to create in the hands of the community. Programs include their UpCycle Art Supply Store, where scrap materials are donated by businesses and individuals and are reused by local artists, keeping thousands of pounds of waste material out of local landfills. The Upcycle Art Supply Store provides a portion of funding for their programs and free art supplies for teachers. Programs also includes a free weekly gathering where people of all ages participate in music, art and camaraderie, Growing Art People, their children’s program, LAMP a local music archiving program,  Green Action Group, and other community events also take place at their unique and inviting space on the westside of Ventura.

“Green Art People is honored to join forces with AWAKE Community. Our shared missions to find innovative and inspired ways build a creative and conscious community are a logical and most inspiring fit,” remarked Lisbet Frey, co-founder and CEO of Green Art People. “Thanks to AWAKE Community for acting as our fiscal sponsor, as we are now able to receive charitable donations via their 501(c)(3) organization. Green Art People’s donors will be able to receive a tax deduction and help us build our programs in Ventura and beyond.”

AWAKE, an acronym for Artists Working for Awareness, Knowledge and Education, was founded in 2003 to highlight important social issues and green living through art, music, and sustainable technologies. AWAKE has spearheaded elementary school gardening programs from San Diego to Los Angeles, teaching that harmony with organic nature, and with one another, inspires healthy living and is good for the soul. AWAKE has organized art and music based events for the U.S. Congressional Stop DUI Caucus and the National Biodiesel Board. AWAKE’s partnership with the San Diego Puppet Insurgency has educated thousands of Earth Fair attendees each year on the impact of disposable plastics in the ocean and the preservation of natural, open spaces -- all through unique interactive art installations and music.

“AWAKE is thrilled to partner with Green Art People,” stated Emily Richards, Chairman and co-founder of AWAKE. “Our mutual aims of utilizing art and creativity to further sustainability in our communities makes this synergy a very powerful one. Together we are working to reconnect to nature through artistic expression.”

With AWAKE now as the fiscal sponsor of Green Art People, donors may make charitable contributions to Green Art People that are tax-deductible through AWAKE Community. This important relationship will enable both entities to support one another through their networks and enable the surrounding communities to give their support in even bigger ways.

To learn more about Green Art People, visit To learn more about AWAKE Community, visit

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Green Art People
Source:Green Art People
Tags:Nonprofit, Sustainability, Creativity, Art, Music
Industry:Music, Non-profit
Location:Los Angeles - California - United States
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