Civil rights legend James R. Mapp will be honored by his family on Wednesday, 17 June 2015

in Nashville, Tennessee, at A Night to Remember: A Multi-generational Family Book Signing, Photo Exhibit and Presentations
By: Questioning the Universe Publishing
Mapp Embry Night to Remember in Nashville on 17 June 2015
Mapp Embry Night to Remember in Nashville on 17 June 2015
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - June 16, 2015 - PRLog -- Chattanooga, Tennessee author (Chance or Circumstance?, I–Universe, 2015), civic leader, civil rights legend, and gardener James R. Mapp will be honored by his family (Mapp and Embry Family of Kentucky and Tennessee) [] during his family's A Night to Remember: A Multi–generational Family Book Signing, Photo Exhibit and Presentations event on Wednesday, 17 June 2015, from 6 PM – 8 PM at the West End United Methodist Church at 2200 West End Avenue, 37203 (across from Vanderbilt University).

Mr. Mapp will be recognized for his commitment and dedication to both his family and the greater community. Once you have read Mr. Mapp's brief bio and his selected achievements below, you will see why his family is honoring him.

Brief biography of James R. Mapp
James R. Mapp was born in 1927 in Mayfield, Georgia, as the oldest of two children of the late James Albert Mapp and the late Mattie L. Hargrove Mapp Davis. He moved to Chattanooga at the age of 10 in 1937, and attended public schools. He graduated from Howard High School in the Class of 1947 as Class President and Valedictorian.  He attended Tennessee A & I College [now Tennessee State University (TSU)] in Nashville, with a major in Business Administration, and was elected vice president of the Freshman Class.

He was married to the late Viola Martin Mapp of Greenville, Kentucky for 46 years, to which union there are eight children.  Presently, he is married to Bettye Jean McCoy of Meridian, Mississippi. They reside in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Active in the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) since 1941, Mr. Mapp served as President of the Coordinated Youth Councils of Chattanooga from 1945–1947.  He was Branch Secretary from 1953 until 1959 when he was elected to serve as Branch President, serving this office a total of 28 years. He also served as State President for two and one half years, and Chaired the Region for two years. He has committed his life to challenging racial segregation [PDF] and inequality.

Mr. Mapp has been active in civic affairs and politics for many years, and has received numerous awards.  He served on the first Mayor's Bi–racial Committee, 1960–65, and the Tennessee Court Modernization Committee, 1976–78.  He was a founding member of the Tennessee Voters Council and the Unity Group. He ran in elections for several County posts, which included County Council, County Registrar, Trustee and County Commissioner.

As a fully paid Life Member of the NAACP, Mr. Mapp is a subscribing Golden Heritage Member.  He is an Honorary PTA Life Member and member of the AARP.  Mr. Mapp is a member of the 33rd Degree Masons affiliated with the United Ancient Free and Accepted Scottish Rite Masons of North America, Historical Grand Lodge of Tennessee, Hezekiah Lodge #23, and Alleppo Temple of Shriners.

Mr. Mapp served 16 years as an Agent and Assistant Manager with North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, and one year as Manager for the Union Protective Life Insurance Company.  He opened the James R. Mapp General Insurance Agency in 1964, which operated for many years. He served four years as a Housing Planner where he was instrumental in getting an Open Housing Ordinance passed by the City of Chattanooga. In 1990, he opened Mapp and Associates Realty, which continues today.

Orchard Knob Missionary Baptist Church has been his church of membership since 1940, having served as Usher, Member and President of the Sanctuary Choir, Superintendent of the Sunday School, Director of the Baptist Training Union and Teacher. He still serves as a Trustee and was Chairman during the construction of the present Church structure.  He is presently a member of the Housing Development Board at the Church.

Mr. Mapp became active in the Boy Scouts in 1942, and was active for more than 50 years, rising to the rank of Eagle Scout. He served as Cub Master, Scout Master, and was on the Board of the Dynamo Division. He established an umbrella Scouting Committee which was designed to coordinate all Boy and Girl Scouting for Orchard Knob Baptist Church.

Service to the PTA (Parent Teachers Association) spanned 35 years, starting in 1954.  He served in many PTA positions including Unit President and Council Member. He authorized a resolution presented to the US Congress by the National PTA relating to daylight savings time.

As a writer, Mr. Mapp has completed writing his memoirs. The book, presently titled Chance or Circumstance?, is an autobiographical and historical account of his life, with an emphasis on his work in civil rights.  It is scheduled to be published by I–Universe in 2015.

Selected Honors, Awards, and Accomplishments for Mr. James R. Mapp
  2015 City of Chattanooga, Tennessee, proclaimed June 6, 2015, as Mr. James R. Mapp Day

   2010 The State of Tennessee names the James R. Mapp State Office Building in the City of Chattanooga, Tennessee, in Mr. Mapp's honor

   1986 “Chattanooga School Integration Case Closed” (the longest running integration court case in the Federal Court system)

   1980s Interviewed for the The American Folklife Center, Library of Congress Oral history tapes: The Civil Rights History Project: Survey of Collections and Repositories: Repository: Chattanooga–Hamilton County Bicentennial Library. Local History and Genealogy Department

   1960 Filed integration lawsuit against the the Board of Education of the City of Chattanooga, Tennessee

In addition to honoring Mr. James R. Mapp at this event, the other authors in his family: two of his daughters, Dr. Deborah Mapp–Embry (Louisville, KY) & Ivy (Mapp) Barksdale (Lexington, KY); twin grandsons, Irucka (Nashville) and Obiora Embry (Lexington, KY); and one of his son–in–laws, Jim Embry, will read from and sign their books. Jim Embry will also exhibit photographs from his travels to Terra Madre and around Italy.

The event begins at 6 PM with a delicious dinner prepared by Chef Martha Stamps and her staff. The cost of this dinner is $12 for adults and $6 for children under 10. Please RSVP for the dinner by calling (615) 983–8850 or e–mail

Around 6:45 PM Mr. Mapp's family will honor him & read and give short presentations. This part of the program is free and open to the public.

Visit for the full press release

Media Contact
Irucka Embry
Source:Questioning the Universe Publishing
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Tags:Civil Rights, Legend, Mapp, Naacp, Family
Industry:Event, Society
Location:Nashville - Tennessee - United States
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