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Follow on Google News | Tips for a Successful Online Job SearchThe Job industry is overflowed with highly skilled job seekers, all of which are competing for limited number of different positions. Candidates need to find their own way for search jobs.
By: Universe Jobs Employing some quick clicking one can easily apply to a number of jobs in a very short time. For many people this seems to be the only way to conduct a job search to the exclusion of everything else. This approach however has its share of pitfalls along the way and you are invariably drawn in for a long and frustrating experience that too with progressively diminishing chances of success. If you try to be selective in your job search efforts, do remember this approach is only going to be helpful up until a certain extent. One needs to realize the odds are heavily stacked against jobseekers for every position they apply online. From a recruiter’s point of view, they see hundreds of resumes in response to their listings, to weed out the superfluous ones they resort to employing the ATS or applicant tracking system. As a result only a few of the applicants would be called in for a conversation and the likelihood of success from a candidate’s point of view keeps on receding given the humungous response of applicants. The truth is whenever an aspirant responds to an online listing; the fate of each application, speaking purely in statistical terms is akin to flipping a coin. Irrespective of the number of jobs you apply to, your odds remain more or less the same, one in thousands or tens of thousands of applicants. This would certainly cause you to throw your hands in despair, well that is by far the most easy thing to do, refrain from acting in desperation. There are a number of things that you can smartly include in your job hunt to increase your odds of success and choosing a position that fits in your career requirements. All you need to do is formulate strategies that are not run of the mill, do things that are markedly different from the mundane stuff that an average Joe does. The first and foremost thing that you need to do is to nurture and sustain a robust network, both in person as well as online. It helps to actively participate in niche digital communities. In person networking is characterized by quality connections though they may be limited in numbers and the reach restricted to immediate vicinity only. Whereas maintaining an active online presence brings to you global reach and expertise accessible from just about anywhere in the world. They say slow and steady wins the race, be choosy with positions, research thoroughly, apply to selective positions, take help of referral programs, with the right strategy, patience and perseverance you would have a smooth sailing on the career front. For Career Related Blog Visit our Official Blog: End
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