NORMAN, Okla. -
Nov. 29, 2019 -
PRLog -- The biblical argument has been ongoing as to whether salvation in Christ can be rejected by the one who has accepted it, at some point during their natural lifetimes. This is not a pleasant subject and many teaching and preaching ministers of God, choose not address it in their sermons. Certainly, the joy of the Lord in looking forward to eternity with no end, in His glorious presence, should take preeminence over one separating their self from God following an earlier acceptance of salvation. My relating the fact that God is always, faithful to his eternal covenants/testaments, comes with scriptural warning that men/women and not God, can walk away from that covenant relationship, established in this time of grace (The New Testament), by Jesus' powerful, glorious blood. Therefore, Satan's often continuing, powerful temptations are also called deceptions, snares and sometimes even "strongholds"
. Our enemy who is already defeated spiritually by Jesus Christ's death and resurrection, does not stop his attacks on someone who has become a Christian. However, a born again, new creature in Christ (saved person) has many weapons at his/her disposal for defeating Satan in their natural lifetimes. this includes God's Word, which not only brings us continuing faith, as we have a steady diet of it in our lives, but it is also called "The sword of the Spirit" - (Ephesians chapter 6). We must remind the enemy that we are covered by Jesus blood and are using the name of Jesus and allowing God to fight our battles, while also doing our part as The Holy Spirit leads and empowers us. As Jesus was resurrected, you and I too will have a resurrection in which our bodies will also become incorruptible and never tempted again. This audio has many scripture quotes within in, covering all these aspects. It is a free listen but please also see my book, eBook and Audiobook list at Amazon - Thank You.
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