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Follow on Google News | The Encouragement Specialist Johnnie E. Williams III Ignites a Thought RevolutionBy: Johnnie Williams Incorporated Recently, Williams authored 'Something to Think About…', a book of 369 of his own original quotes and exercises designed to encourage independent thinking, and improved self-awareness. "The quotes in my book offer timeless messages that ask the reader to think about the bigger picture. It is a pathway to correct thinking. The daily exercises in the book encourage you to recall your personal thoughts for much deeper answers." "Problems are often created by what we think, our opinions, and beliefs; so, we must be careful with our own thoughts and not allow other people do our thinking for us." A native of Washington, D.C, Williams has delivered over 1900 presentations to varied types of people over the 20+ years he has been developing his message. His presentations are designed to promote thinking and target the limiting thoughts hidden within our subconscious mind. Williams speaks to diverse audiences about perspective shifting ideas, that challenge ideals. Each of his presentations are designed to build a community of thinkers who contribute solutions that confront societal problems. "There is a world of possibility when we encourage people to think," he said. Johnnie has witnessed the abundant lifestyles of athletes, and entertainers during his time spent assisting his brother Jerome 'JYD' Williams with building a solid brand during a nine-year NBA career. "You can actually think abundance into your life if you fully immerse yourself into high vibrational thoughts," he said. "You can expect to be challenged when you are working on improving your thinking; but, just be diligent and continue to ask yourself, what am I thinking about, and why?" "There is a great need for us to wake ourselves up and start a thought revolution." "Do you THINK- in relation to relationships that'll set sail without you- if you are not on board with their beliefs, ideas and ideals?" Along with the release of 'Something to think About…', a Think About It… daily thought app has been released in Apple and Android versions. This gift delivers catchy phrases and complete quotes right from the pages of the book. For more information about Johnnie Williams' book, merchandise, or to hire him as a speaker please visit his website End
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