Planting People Growing Justice Leadership Institute Designated as a Census Complete Committee

By: Planting People Growing Justice
SAINT PAUL, Minn. - March 21, 2020 - PRLog -- The U.S. Census will be taken this year and it's essential that everyone participate. Dr. Artika Tyner, founder of the Planting People Growing Justice™ Leadership Institute (PPGJLI) announced that the organization has been named a Census Complete Committee (CCC).

"We are excited to help ensure everyone is counted," said Tyner. "When community members are informed, they are more likely to respond to the census. Through collaborative partnerships, the U.S. Census Bureau and community leaders can reach the shared goal of counting everyone in 2020. The Complete Count Committee program is key to creating awareness in communities all across the country."

The PPGJLI will utilize local knowledge, influence and resources to educate communities and promote the Census through locally-based targeted outreach efforts. As a Census Complete Committee (, the organization will help the Census Bureau get a complete count in 2020 through partnerships with local governments and community organizations.

"CCCs provide a vehicle for coordinating and nurturing cooperative efforts between tribal, state, and local governments, communities and the Census Bureau," said Tyner.

A correct Census count is critical for a variety of reasons. It's essential for assisting in the distribution of government funds, assistance, and resources to states where they're needed most. However, the primary reason that the Census is conducted is to decide how many seats each state receives in the U.S. House of Representatives. It's a process mandated in the U.S. Constitution.

In Minnesota, there are over a dozen demographic groups that are most likely to go uncounted, including racial and ethnic groups, children, renters and people in non-traditional housing, undocumented immigrants, and those with mental and physical disabilities. Without an accurate count, the state could lose seats in the House and its full representative powers in Congress.

Historically, more than 17 percent of all Minnesota residents won't respond to the Census without additional follow up. The 2020 Census will be available April 1 of this year. Without the work of CCCs across the county, including Planting People Growing Justice™ Leadership Institute, the potential exists for more than 32 million people to go uncounted across the nation. A correct Census count is critical for the future of Minnesota and its people.

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