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Follow on Google News | New E-commerce Shopping Site, Huntflavors, Where Customers Find Products Based on FlavorsBy: Huntflavors Huntflavors is a product flavor search engine where customers find consumer products based on flavors. Customers search for products, select a particular flavor then make a purchase. For example, a customer wants to purchase cookies. They will type in cookies in the search engine, view all the cookies available, select the specific flavors, and make a purchase. Huntflavors makes shopping easier for the customer. Benefits of Huntflavors Specified Searches - Online stores show search results based on keywords. Huntflavors shows results based on keywords and product flavors for customers to find specific products. Helps Customers Save Time Shopping - In many cases, customers spend a lot of time trying to find a particular product. They usually shop at Amazon, Target, and Walmart. But when these customers can't find what they want at these retail stores, they will spend their time shopping at other stores. This process can be time-consuming. With Huntflavors, once a customer finds a product they like, it redirects them to the online merchant where the customer can make a purchase. Helps Discover New Consumer Products - Customers usually purchase the same products regularly without realizing there are different variations and flavors. For example, customers purchase the same regular/plain Pepsi flavor. But they are not fully aware Pepsi has various flavors such as mango, wild cherry, black cherry, vanilla, etc. Huntflavors is changing the way customers shop for consumer products. Online stores display products based on popularity or secret algorithms in search results which may prevent the customer from viewing and discovering products. With Huntflavors, once you select the product flavor, you have a higher chance of finding new and specific products. Try Huntflavors today! End
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