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Follow on Google News | Why should South Korea look out for doing business in India?Why should South Korea look out for doing business in India?
By: The connection between South Korea and India has grown over time because they share common interests in history, culture, and economy. Both countries enjoy the Hallyu wave, including K-dramas and K-pop music. They also appreciate Korean cuisine, such as kimchi and ramen. This shared enthusiasm for Korean culture has captured the attention of people in both countries, especially the younger generation. Beyond culture, South Korea and India have other things in common and collaborate in various ways. India's growing economy and South Korea's technological expertise create strong ties for business engagement, offering many opportunities for mutual growth. This blog will delve into the longstanding strategic partnership between the two nations, which dates back centuries. It began with the marriage of an Ayoddha princess to a Korean prince and the spread of Buddhism from India to South Korea. Today, the synergy between the two countries is marked by new investments and business relationships, such as the New Southern Policy (NSP) established in 2017 and the expansion of Korean companies into Indian states. End
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