78 views, By Cruzeiro Safaris Kenya Experience the wild side of Nairobi! Embark on a half-day or full-day guided safari at Nairobi National Park, just minutes from the city. Spot lions, rhinos, giraffes, and more in their natural habitat. Book now for an unforgettable adventure!
95 views, By African Sermon Safaris Discover the Beauty of Kenya with African Sermon Safaris Tour Operator
133 views, By Rotasmyth Rotasmyth's Postal Codes Now Available, Boosting Efficiency Nationwide
105 views, By Propscout Propscout is a prominent real estate platform in Kenya, specializing in connecting buyers, sellers, and renters with a diverse range of properties across the country.
152 views, By Glantix Are you looking to buy a TV online in Kenya? Shopping for TVs online is now easier and more convenient than ever.
133 views, By Glantix In today's world, having a good digital camera is essential, whether for photography, videos, or security purposes.
145 views, By Glantix In many offices, schools, and businesses, document presentation plays a crucial role in making a good impression.
242 views, By Acyberschool Africa Cybersecurity and AI Foundation Sponsors the Fees of 100 Kakuma Refugees' for the Acyberschool Secure+ Certification
285 views, By Acyberschool ACAIF and Acyberschool Launch 100 Cybersecurity Scholarships to Empower Refugees in Kenya and Shape Africa's Digital Future
199 views, By Cruzeiro Safaris Kenya Discover the Magic of Amboseli with Cruzeiro Safaris Kenya Amboseli National Park, known as the "All-Season Park," offers an unparalleled safari experience throughout the year. Whether you're looking for a short getaway or a comprehensive safari.
356 views, By Africa Cybersecurity and AI Foundation (ACAIF) rendAI, a cutting-edge AI-powered platform, is transforming the landscape of influencer marketing while spearheading the creative economy.
508 views, By acyberschool The Africa Cybersecurity and AI Foundation (ACAIF) proudly announces its launch in Kenya, marking a significant milestone in its mission to enhance cybersecurity resilience and advance AI adoption across Africa.
388 views, By acyberschool Acyberschool, a premier provider of cybersecurity education, is excited to announce a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA).
327 views, By acyberschool SecureCam by Acyberschool offers advanced, tailored cybersecurity enhancements for schools, hospitals, businesses, and homes, ensuring high security and privacy without the need to replace existing camera setups
423 views, By Robevin Safaris Embark on an exhilarating journey with Robevinsafaris.com as they unveil an array of unforgettable day trips, promising an escape from the hustle and bustle of Nairobi to adventure-filled destinations just a stone's throw away.
421 views, By GeoPoll Geopoll and the Pan Africa Gaming Group (PAGG) have revealed findings from the most extensive player-focused research report to date from the African gaming industry.
794 views, By ODS Media Group Event Rap brought the power of hip hop to the forefront of the UNEA 6 Climate conference in Nairobi, featuring performances by acclaimed artists Baba Brinkman, Dex McBean, and Frida Amani.
464 views, By acyberschool eDataScan harnesses the power of advanced QR code technology coupled with secure SMS verification to facilitate smooth and secure building access without traditional hassle of physical IDs. Designed to be inclusive and accessible, eDataScan ensure
756 views, By acyberschool Inaugural event set for International Women's Day aims to bridge gender gap in cybersecurity, featuring nominee unveiling and grand award ceremony in Nairobi, Kenya
496 views, By Cruzeiro Safaris Kenya Experience the beauty of Lake Naivasha and the unique wildlife of Crescent Island on a day trip from Nairobi. Book now and embark on an unforgettable adventure with Cruzeiro Safaris.
348 views, By Cruzeiro Safaris Kenya Visit the Elephant orphanage, giraffe center lunch and then nairobi national park
580 views, By Websoft Interactive Alexander Nderitu feted for contribution to world literature
432 views, By Event Rap The United Nations Environment Programme posts "Carbon Calamity," an impactful rap battle song and video collaboratively produced by Event Rap and Dex McBean. This unique project delves into the critical theme of carbon dioxide removal (CDR).
533 views, By SeamlessHR The Strategic Onboarding of Bryan Kariuki as Eastern Africa VP Amplifies the Firms Regional Influence
732 views, By Nivi, Inc. Nivi, a digital health platform that provides personalized and interactive health information, has announced a new collaboration with ARK Venture Studio's YuBuntu initiative, which aims to connect women to health and wellness services in Kenya.
1378 views, By Burhani Engineers Ltd. Kenya's Burhani Engineers Ltd. (BEL) is embarking on an extensive expansion across 13 Sub-Saharan African countries, leveraging 46 years of local engineering expertise.
663 views, By Nivi, Inc. Access Afya, a primary healthcare social enterprise delivering affordable, effective healthcare in Kenya, and Nivi Inc., a digital health company that deploys a chatbot-based marketplace, have announced a new partnership to improve sexual and...
![12987155]() | 1543 views, By Burhani Engineers Ltd. Burhani Engineers Ltd., a renowned Kenyan engineering firm, has taken a significant step by leading an HIV/AIDS and STI awareness campaign in Mofu, Ihenga, and Kibaoni regions.
361 views, By StruChem Africa StruChem Africa, a leading construction solutions company, is pleased to announce a groundbreaking development that will revolutionize the way Kenya protects its buildings.
345 views, By Cobalt Marketing In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to reach their target audiences effectively.
602 views, By StruChem Africa StruChem Africa, a leading name in the construction industry, brings to Kenya an exquisite range of Terrazzo flooring that combines aesthetics, durability, and affordability. Benefits of Terrazzo Flooring 1.