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463 views, By Elite Ink "Angels Along the Way: Jax embarks on a perilous solo trek across America as he chases the sunrise toward the White House
| | 3003 views, By Elite Ink Titled "The Sundog Run", Jack "JAXWALK" Huffman sets out to trek 55 miles per day from Dana Strands Beach California to Washington DC to raise $500,000 for Veterans
| 427 views, By Right Now Marketing Group, LLC The expert explains 4 major areas of consideration when inspecting and repairing foundation cracks in homes and buildings
| 555 views, By Elite Ink Studios Jack "JAX" Huffman to receive a tattoo with a guitar as a motivational send off for his 1500 mile charity walk.
| 1853 views, By Elite Ink Studios "JAX" Huffman the "Michigan Walk Hero" will begin his charity walk in Sarasota Florida on May 13th, 2023.
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