July 8, 2016 -
PRLog -- I wrote to a New Earth Creationist. He was doing the usual thing that some in the YEC groups and individuals do and that is to attempt debunking "The Genesis Gap" - a teaching highly substantiated by The Scriptures. He did this, via an article under which he allowed replies to his published writing. Many of these people attempting to debunk the teaching believe the teaching is based solely on Genesis 1:1-2. Why do they believe this? Because they are predisposed to the young earth position and so is their pastor (most likely) - therefore, they will reject it without actually hearing a full representation of the teaching (turning a deaf ear to it). While it is not necessary to salvation, it at times becomes necessary when kids doubt the Holy Scriptures as a whole because they know for a fact that the earth and universe are not 6 or 7 thousand years old. They will be told that "you just have to accept a young earth by faith" but this is denying the obvious. It is like telling a child that dogs do not actually bark but this sound is actually the wind flowing through their fur. Yet, the child can be close enough to a barking dog, to see its mouth moving to make the sound. That's not the best analogy but I believe it does make the point.
See my book that reaffirms this subject Biblically, here: https://www.amazon.com/Genesis-Gap-Ignored-Misunderstood-...