March 17, 2017 -
PRLog -- I'm going to review the Christian movie "The Shack". My reason? There are literally Christians who claim the film is not Christian at all but rather a false teaching and blasphemous. In response to these absolutely unfounded allegations, I will likely be saying a few things in this article that will anger some of the hyper-scrutinizers, who literally believe they are in some way doing God and the Christian community a favor by doing things like boycotting the film. Rather, they are doing the Christian community an injustice. Now let me explain what these complaints against "The Shack" are and then try to get the pretentious movie watchers an explanation. This likely will do no good 'for them' because there is a "pride" type stance that some Christians will stick-to, to save face and to prevent any perceptions that they could be wrong very wrong. If you are one who sees serious problems with this movie but you are too lazy to read this review, you may want to examine yourself to see if you might actually be a busybody who enjoys interjecting their self into the negative side of unwarranted controversies. See the full review, here: