OKLAHOMA CITY - July 29, 2016 - PRLog -- The New Testament says there will be a judgment of nations, in which Jesus - the world's future ruler will separate the "sheep nations on His right" (worthy to enter His Kingdom) and the "goat nations on His left" (unworthy to enter His Kingdom. The unworthy ones on his left will be cast into hell, which the scriptures says was "prepared for the devil and his angels". The worthy ones will be welcomed by The Lord Jesus to enter into the everlasting joy, prepared for the nations who continued to glorify Him (paraphrased by me). My point being; has America continued to glorify The Lord or have they diminished Him, with so many anti-Christ practices (e.g. disallowing creationism teaching and prayer in school, taking "one nation 'under God' " out of The Pledge of Allegiance, not supporting Israel and...abortions - 51,923,070 of them since 1970). Only God can judge between the nations but there looks to be a large-scale turn-around needed (repentance) for the USA. NOTE: God will have already brought His people home to Heaven, before the judgment of the nations takes place. See the YouTube Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6vuHlGkeUg