My Live Message in 1999 when my Daughter Was Baptized

How relevant is being baptized, to salvation in Jesus Christ; Does it secure it or is it follow-up to receiving Jesus as savior?
OKLAHOMA CITY - Oct. 19, 2016 - PRLog -- My daughter actually came to us (my wife and I) and expressed her desire to be baptized. She made this decision with no prompting from us, although we did teach our son and daughter about baptism in Christian Youth Church/class. At her baptism my brother whose pastorate at that time was in Geary, OK, asked me to give a sermon on the subject of the importance of getting baptized. This video is that sermon from 17 year...s ago (this year is 2016) and my daughter is now age-26, with a Master's degree in sociology and counseling. She has also since had an article published by a medical, mental health publication on the subject of depression. The sermon I gave does have points within it that I believe listeners will appreciate. See this video in which I address some very important points regarding baptism, which is considered an essential practice for newly "born again" Christians. Amajor question addressed: does baptism actually secure salvation or is it already secured through faith in Jesus Christ? Hear the full YouTube sermon, recorded from a 1999 baptismal service, here:

James M. Lowrance
James M. Lowrance Publishing PRs
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